Analytics FAQ

Analytics FAQ

Analytics FAQ


Version 2.0

Questions & Answers

Will I be able to enable any analytics I want free-of-charge?

Depending on your account edition, some analytics may still charge. Analytics such as Object Counting are only included in Enterprise edition accounts.

For a full explanation of what is included in your edition, refer to the Editions page on the Eagle Eye Networks website.

Can I turn on all the analytics I want?

You should first check how many analytics your Bridge model supports on the Data Sheet in the Max Analytic Count section.

Am I going to be credited for analytics that I selected before Jun 1, 2024?

No. Any analytics you enrolled in before the free update will still need to be paid, but will be free-of-charge going forward.

How do I set up an analytic for a Camera?

  1. Click Settings for the Camera.

  2. Click Analytics.

  3. Select which analytics you want to enable.

    • A tab for that analytic will appear.

  1. Configure the Analytic in the corresponding tab.

    • Click the Blue Question mark icon for information about each analytic and optimal configuration information.

  1. Select Save Changes.

I turned on an analytic and my camera went offline. What should I do?

Adjusting camera settings requires a resync with the Eagle Eye system. This down time should only last a few minutes.

I waited a few minutes and my camera is still offline. What now?

  • Reboot the camera. This will help it resync with the bridge.

  • Try disabling the analytic and see if the device connection is restored. The camera may not be compatible with the analytic.

  • Reach out to Eagle Eye Networks Technical Support.

After enabling some analytics, my bridge went down. How do I fix it?

  • Power-cycle the unit. Hold the power button down until the device powers down, then press again to turn on the unit. Never unplug the power while the device is on.

  • Double-check that your bridge can handle the amount of analytics you need with the Data Sheet. Make adjustments as necessary.

  • Reach out to Eagle Eye Networks Technical Support.

Analytics Information


Object counting is used to count the number of objects crossing over a line. This can be used for counting cars, people, or other objects.

Line Crossing

Detects when an object crosses a line. Direction may be specified and Notifications may be generated.

Intrusion Detection

Intrusion detection is used to generate an alert when an object enters a forbidden area. The forbidden area may be any size and shape.


Tampering detection is used to generate an alert when someone is trying to block the camera's view or the image is greatly altered.

License Plate Recognition

License Plate Recognition scans and records license plates in real time. This can be utilized with other integrators such as Brivo for access control.

License Plate Recognition is a premium analytic, so it is not included in the base VMS package.

For support please email: 

or give us a call at: 512-473-0501

Eagle Eye Knowledge Base

US: +1-512-473-0501 

EU: 31 (0) 20 26 10 461

ASIA PACIFIC: +81-(3)-6869-5477

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